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Monday, March 14, 2011

Earthquake Preparedness in Japan

How many Americans, apart from residents of the West Coast, feel any need for earthquake preparedness? Probably not enough of us.  Japan lies at the juncture of major tectonic plates and all residents are schooled in preparedness. That was not enough to overcome the devastation of earthquake and tsunami, but it could have been worse.

Kirk Spitzer, a former co-worker, is an award-winning journalist who has covered several major wars. In recent days he has been using his blog to do what he does best -- tell us the story. He was at home when the recent earthquake struck Japan. Home is on the 57th floor of a building in Tokyo. Read about his experience and the level of preparation expected of all Japanese citizens at this link:
In Japan, A Culture Of Being Prepared

-- Trish Redmon

1 comment:

  1. Kirk...it's me, Darryl. Thought about you guys a lot the last few days. Send me an email when you can. I am living in Miami now.

