Welcome to the Pass It On Center Emergency Management Blog! This venue serves as a place to discuss, share, explore and provide resources for the AT Reuse Community and Emergency Management. Feel free to join our current discussion, create a new topic, post a comment or just hang out and learn something new.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September is Preparedness Month: Be positive, and Get Involved!

September is national preparedness month and this is a great time to get involved! If your organization is interested in becoming a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member please go to: http://www.ready.gov/america/npm10/index.html and follow the instructions.

Another good resource on the Ready.Gov website is http://www.ready.gov/america/npm09/, 
They have good list of activities across the United States listed.

I would also encourage you to contact your state emergency management office to inquire about all inclusive and accessible preparedness month activities. 

If there is a challenge finding accessible activities, may I strongly encourage you to advocate in helping developing them. Be part of the solution an start developing a strong relationship with your state contact.

I would recommend inquiring about funding for both 2010 activities and 2011.

A list of all state emergency management agencies can be found at http://www.fema.gov/about/contact/statedr.shtm. 

The state agencies are a great starting point. Most agencies will have a Functional Needs Coordinator that will be responsible for coordination of most outreach activities within the state.

Another great idea is partnering with another activity that might is already set up. The main idea is to DO something. Reach out to who ever you are comfortable with. Some examples could be:
  • Local Fire Company
  • Local Police Department
  • Local School District
  • Local University or Community College
  • Salvation Army
  • American Red Cross
  • Faith based organizations
If you need any assistance in terms of outreach, please feel free to contact us at info@passitoncenter.org
Good Luck and if you have any comments please post them!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to the Pass It On Center's Emergency Management Blog!

Hi Everyone,
We am very excited to launch the new blog for Emergency Management here at the Pass It On Center. Your feedback, comments and suggestions are both welcomed and encouraged. This blog will continue the collaborative spirit that has been the cornerstone of the Pass It On Center work.
If you would like to suggest topics for discussion, you may submit them directly to me at following email address: info@passitoncenter.org.
We look forward to hearing from you!